Fair Board
The Custer County Fair Board (CCFB) is made up of 5 volunteer members of the community, therefore they do not have official “office hours”. As outlined in Idaho State Code, all records of the County Fair Board are open to inspection by any taxpayer or voter within the county during all regular office hours. These records are on file at the University of Idaho Extension Office located at 1340 Pleasant Avenue, Suite C, Challis, or in the County Clerk’s Office located in the Custer County Courthouse on 801 E. Main Street in Challis.
Duties of the the CCFB is outlined in the Idaho State Code and includes:
The care and custody of all property belonging to the County and used for Fair purposes (2.72 acres, deeded 6-21-75) in Mackay, titled the Custer County Fair Grounds. Click here to download a form to use the Custer County Fairgrounds.
Keep or cause to be kept proper records of its proceedings, business transactions, and true and proper accounts of all moneys received by it and expended or on hand; and it shall require proper vouchers evidencing all disbursements of money. The records of the board shall be open to inspection by any taxpayer or voter within the county during all regular office hours. These records are on file at the University of Idaho Extension Office located at 1340 Pleasant Avenue, Suite C, Challis, or in the County Clerk’s Office located in the Custer County Courthouse on 801 E. Main Street in Challis.
Responsible for all moneys received by it, raised by tax levy or levies for Fair purposes as well as all receipts from the operation of the Fair and any other moneys received from other sources for Fair purposes.
Safely keep or cause to be safely kept all moneys coming into its care, custody or possession in strict compliance with the provisions of the public depository law of this state.
Other duties of the Board, in accordance with an MOU with the Custer County Board of Commissioners, include:
The Custer County Fair Board, in accordance with on MOU with the Custer County Board of Commissioners, oversees the management and care of the 26 acres (deeded 5/11/76) in Challis, titled The North Custer Rodeo Grounds (NCRG). Recently a new sub-committee (North Custer Rodeo Grounds Committee) was formed under the Custer County Fair Board to oversee the management of the NCRG. Click here for more information on the North Custer Rodeo Grounds.
The Custer County Fair Board works with the University of Idaho Extension Office and other community members to conduct the Custer County Fair each year held in Mackay, Idaho.
Regular meetings of the CCFB are rotated between Mackay and Challis and are held the first Monday of each month starting in January. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman. Meeting locations and times will be posted in accordance with the Idaho Open Meeting Law.
To View Public Hearings, please click here.
To view 2024 schedule of meeting dates, please click here.
University of Idaho Extension Office
Challis, Idaho
March 26, 2025
@6:30 p.m.